i didn't mean for this to be a diet journal.

Jul 02, 2009 12:05

I'm almost 3 weeks into my diet. OH FUCK. i just realized yesterday was my mom's birthday and i didn't call her. FUCK Fuck fuck. oh well I'll play it off when i call her today. I'm a bad daughter.

anyway, so it's been almost 3 weeks since i started my diet, and things are getting easier. My metabolism has sped up amazingly fast. I must admit, i stopped taking Paxil. It's effects on my metabolism were just bad. I went through a couple days of withdrawals which were absolutely horrible, but i'm glad it's over with. I wish i'd never have to take another anti depressant again, but i know how i get. I think i gained 20 pounds in a 2 month span without doing anything differently. I've really been okay mentally though. I've been taking 5-HTP, St. Johns wort and some DHEA and also fish oil capsules, Kevin said they were supposed to help with depression, and i think he's right. I'm feeling good, my anxiety is still a little frustrating, but i'm not depressed, at least not right now.

Last night I went to a poker game at Gerardo's house with David. That was fun, mostly because it's funny to hear David talk shit. I walked away with 14 dollars. I went in with 18, but i talked David out of 5 dollars in the car, so i really came home with 19. I'm hungry as hell right now, so i'm off to eat.

WAIT. i found out last night that Sunny Day Real Estate and the Get up kids are coming to texas soon for a reunion tour, but they aren't coming to fucking dallas, which pisses me off. I'm probably going to drive to san antonio or houston. FUCK IT I HAVE TO SEE THEM.
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