new years pretty insane this year.
party at yvette and I's apartment got a bit crazy as usual.
krotch decided to throw this girl that lives below me's table off our
roof top . so ya she got all pissy with us today and bitched out me and my
roomate. whatev it was broken in the first place and he did "help" her
get rid of it. hahaha. ya so he's gonna pay her like 50 bucks for it.
i felt bad after a while despite the fact that she is a fat ugly bitch.
Everyone had a good time. the best part was when yvette and i hid our silly string cans and whipped
em out at 12 and fuckin sprayed the shit out of the entire room. everyone thought it was pretty funny.
i guess i had pretty good aim and shot frankie and krotch in the mouth. hahah
Normie made this fucking awesome cd (10 hours of music) and was our sexy dj for the nite.
we had some 80's, the stereo, motion city soundtrack, mae, the cure, etc. good times
before the drunks came marc and i played dress up.....
we look fucking hott like hansel hott.