Apr 28, 2004 07:32
Dude - so many youth ministers, and infact churches altogether, want to grow the number of people they have attending their services ... ironically though, they are often not willing to do what it will take for that to happen. They often seem to just expect people to magically start showing up at church all on their own.
**** NEWS FLASH: not gonna happen, that's why God calls us to go outto the harvest. He says the fields are ripe, but the workers are few. I think he might have meant that there are plenty of "workers" but most of 'em are too freakin' lazy to go actually do the work.
Note: to anyone wanting to grow their church or youth group -
The average high school around here (metro atlanta area) has about 3,000 students (this usually applies to most metro areas of major cities throughout the country). Each student has two parents, and actually in todays world that can often be three or four. For a grand total of - that's right =9,000 people. That's a whole lot of action for a church. You figure in most metro-politan areas like this there are probably three or atleast two high schools reasonably close to a church. That brings our total to 27,000 people. Oh and by the way that's just high schools - if you count the feeder elementary and middle school students, teachers, and faculty ... well, it gets a little mind-boggling.
Yet ministers (and by the way I don't just mean paid vocational ministers - EVERY real Christian is a minister according to God's Word) way too often seem content ... uhhh, hangin' out at the "club" and programming for the "members".
Dude, I don't get it ...
I could keep goin' for a while on this rant, but I'm curious what other people think. So, shoot me some input ...