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mimiheart October 31 2011, 13:15:16 UTC
Ugh. Really?

I'm sorry that happened. Your warnings are pretty straightforward, and you aren't responsible for anything beyond that when it comes to your readers' wellbeing.

And please don't put warnings in flashing letters. Please.

I can't believe that anyone thought your fics condone that behavior. :/


emoryems November 3 2011, 03:43:40 UTC
You know, when I wrote that line about flashing letters I thought of you (and I would never do that, especially knowing how it effects some people <3).

I think they thought that because I didn't directly oppose the actions within the writing (I had the disclaimer at the top -- I'm guessing they didn't read it :/), that I was saying it was okay. I don't really understand that thought process. It's pretty harsh to be accused of something like that.

<3 <3


mimiheart November 3 2011, 03:50:29 UTC
Thanks! Adblocking pictures is easy. Adblocking text isn't. :D

Well, I just wrote and published a fic from Will's perspective. And he was pretty much an asshole the entire time and incredibly homophobic and justified his behavior the entire time. I must have been condoning it. :/ (People, really? WTF?)


emoryems November 3 2011, 03:55:20 UTC
WHAT?! Why haven't I read this yet?!?! ...oh right, because I've not been reading much lately... I SHALL GET ON THAT.

And I don't understand it, I really don't :(


mimiheart November 3 2011, 03:57:48 UTC

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