May 29, 2010 06:56
One of my retirement goals is to (finally) join Facebook. I have been reluctant to do so because I didn't want to be in contact with my students outside of school. I also hear that FB is a "time sucker," and since I barely have time to keep up with my few friends on LJ sometimes, I was hesitant to add another social network to my life. But the time has come. All the cool kids are doing it, and I am feeling a little left out.
What I need now is some advice. What should I know before leaping into this world? Any advice about choosing a screen name? Allowing access to groups or friends? Keeping out the people I'd rather not see? Finding the people I do want to see?
I am a babe in the woods here. Any advice would be welcome. What do you like about Facebook? What do you hate about it? Have you done anything there and then wished you didn't?
Share with me. Please.