This day SUCKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Feb 04, 2005 20:24

Oh man so this morning might actually be the worst day Iv had in a long time! I woke up at like 6:30 and I had totaly forgot about my SAT scores this morning so I went and looked at those they scared the shit out of me! I did horrable! Im not telling any body unless your name is Caitlin or Rachl! But if they tell I will kick there asses! GOT IT! but anyways.... Oh and so then I left the house at like 7:15 to go to school to get some help on my Algebra 2 and of course neither Mr.Whitehall or Mr.Durheim are there so random people in the community center helped me and I didnt actualy get it done until like five minutes befor class. And I m trying to get this bake sale set up for Key Club being president and all. And Zach freakin wont help me at all he was bitchin about the last one that he didnt do all that much for. But anyways so Iv been freakin out about it this week and then Mrs.Gemeinheart told me today that we couldnt do the bake sale so all my work was worth nothing! And then I went to ALgebra 2 and I got lost again! Finally a class I like spanish! Its easy but only cause Iv taken it befor! And my partner is Ana the exange student from brazil and shes real fun! And then I wanted to go hang out with the gang tonight and there not doing any thing fun so Im chillin with the parents! Yeah its alright. I dont know but thats my crappy day! WOOOO!!!!!!!!!!
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