May 07, 2014 22:07
I was pleasantly surprised to see that I could still log into livejournal
And that all of my memories are still here
I did better at updating this thing in the past than I would have thought
I'm going to keep working on that
I find the more I want to move ahead
The more I need to look back for a while
They usually recommend against that
But they know nothing of Javier Sam
Ermahgawd I have missed HTML
And the pseudo-privacy not offered by FB and other such modern formats
I forgot how great it is to have more than a status update
This is the stuff I want to go back and read seven plus years later
I'm just over a year away from finishing my Bachelor's
Look at this, past Sam, you are getting places
Now, my health goals have left much to be desired
And require immediate attention
As I have just been informed that I am in middle adulthood
I'm 27 on Saturday