I can't tell where the camera stops, homesick as an astronaut

Feb 26, 2010 20:21

Is it just me who is finally getting around to listening to that Connor Oberst solo album he put out light years ago?
Well, if so, just so you know...I dig it.

Things I am also currently digging on...
-Shutter Island
-Finding out when I am having my wisdom teeth removed
(not so much the getting them removed but the finding out when it's going to be and how much it's going to cost me ...many thanks for dental insurance!)
-Castle in the Sky UBER EDITION being released. Hayao!
-Hot Tub Time Machine (maybe but probably not)
-Looking forward to Alice in Wonderland (in 2-D, thank you very much.)
-Vegan bonding time with my mom (could it be?)
-The Soup because Joel McHale is awesome
"Yeah, sugar britches, blueberry muffin. I love you, baby."
-the temptress that is warm weather
-Lost, of course! (What/who in the hell are you, smokey?)
-George, of course! It comes to mind that maybe he has not gotten enough attention in this little storybook of mine so here is some page devotion to my husband. George is awesome, we are mainly the same person and I love him more everyday. It occurs to me daily that I am so extremely lucky to have found him so early in life. I know no one needed to hear that so, the end.
-Chocolate peanut butter filled cookies from the dollar general, who knew?
-The very likely possibility that there will be no working out tonight just watching tv and eating said cookies...the jury is still out on that one.
Oh! Duh! Michael Ian Black's "My Custom Van". A dangerous item to read while waiting at the dentist's office because when you LOL in quiet public places, people make look at you, a lot.
-A list that contains items that do not need to be crossed out

If you have any items to add to this list I'd like to hear what anyone else has been digging (or maybe even dredging?)
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