aww the memories...

Apr 19, 2006 00:58

So I was reminded of this thing...and I read over old...old...ANCIENT lj posts....and a few things jumped out at me...

I've loved Third Eye Blind for a long time...
My taste in music has changed very little...
Shaya's always been a funny sunuvabitch...
Jordan may have never left my side for about three years...
Brent used to be polite to me...
Meg's always been...and will continue to be...good people...
There are about twenty references to me physically abusing Jenna...
Samie's my boy...and has been for a long ass time...
I don't talk to Brittany as much as I used to...
I remember details of every single event of the past four years...
More recently...I've grown fond of blowhardy open-ended letters...editorializing...and adam carolla worship
I had/have an unhealthy and borderline homosexual attachment to two strapping young men who shall remain nameless...

...but most of all...I realized I'm really glad I did this whole LJ thing for so's nice seeing all of it down in one place...the story arcs rising and falling...the recorded jokes and quotes that would have otherwise been forgotten...little time I'll end this one like I have so many others...lyrically

"All that I need...Look at all the Love we've found..."
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