A Very Shitty Unbirthday

Sep 18, 2007 11:22

well, my birthday is coming up soon. sweet, im going out of town and such. but honestly, im not really into it. i don't know how i feel about all this. it's just getting a little over my head, and i really hope i can swim my way out.
andrew. that happens to be the name of a lifetime. i know 4 andrews, all of which im enamoured with, cept one of the andrews happens to live in my room. ahhh. one's 17, one's 26. hahahahaha.
sometimes, it just feels like im going through the motions. when did this happen? god damn it, same rut again.
work sucks, we're getting more and more corporate. im this close to quitting, i just have no idea what i would do if that happened.
well, overall, no complaints. i mean, it could be a lot worse.

a killer in me,
is the killer in you, my love
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