A good lesson on how Jack feels this week, then. Three people in a similar situation and three different endings. And then a another for him.
Emma Louise: what is it with Emma's being Emma Louise? Half the Emma's I know (not including myself) have Louise as a middle name... and the one twin I know called Emma her sister is Louise!
Ianto: I loved him in ASDA. Introducing them to the world through the joys of supermarkets. Of course banana's are more interesting! And Emma's reaction to the sweeties/chocolates aisle? I have to stop myself from that every time I'm in. And maybe he needs to leave his keys in a more secure place - yeahyeah - it was a plot device I know...
Rhys: yay! He's back. Loved his intro to Emma. And it was obvious he was going to find out. Yeah... lets tell your boyfriend you're related to her... when your Mum has a habit of ringing you *rolls eyes*
Owen: So the Gwen/Owen thing is in an off stage right now, then? I think what Owen had this week was rebound... but that could just be my little shipper heart there ;) The acting when Diane was leaving was great... I really believed him. Poor guy.
Tosh: was where, exactly? Even Ianto got a part to play... was she off doing admin for UNIT again?
Jack: I liked Jack this week. Like I said at the start - this was a 'bang it into their heads what life is like for Jack' week.
Next week: looks very very very interesting - Gwen's telling Rhys? His reaction is going to interesting, especially considering their argument this week ;)