Aug 16, 2006 18:38
So, I live in a house of readers. Actually I live in two houses of readers (T and I or my entire family...) Due to various changes Dad and the brat bought a whole bunch of new bookcases in Ikea the other week. And I spent most of today filling them. Dear God, we've got a lot of books, seriously. Most of the non work related books are now on the upstairs landing in five bookcases. Mum's study will have all her work books in. My room has a bookcase (my room at uni has a bookcase too) and half my books are upstairs. Dad's study has a billion books too. Even the brat these days has his own bookcase! So yeah - am now exhausted, books can be damn heavy to cart upstairs. Anyway... I'll get brownie points for it when the parents get home. They're away for a week, which is why I'm not back in Liverpool yet. I also spent a few hours ripping a load of CDs onto Dad's PC for him, setting up various playlists, etc... all for his work... so I'll get paid for this one (otherwise known as taking money off the amount I currently owe).
For as long as I can remember I've not been a happy bunny when it comes to motorbikes. The noise used to scare the pants of me when I was little - although that may also have something to do with listening to my Mum say how much she wished she could ride. These days both my parents have bike licences (and boy was that weird all three of us taking theory tests on the same day!) and Mum is an instructor in her spare time. And no, I've never been on one and it's not going to happen. We live about half an hour away from the brats old school - which meant a lot of travel time for my parents. So once he hit sixteen he got his CBT and bought a moped. We currently have 3 bikes and one moped in our garage! It's a bit ridiculous (apparently the third bike was free from someone who couldn't use it anymore, or something like that!) Once the brat turns 17 he'll trade in his moped and get a 125.
A few weeks back he came off his moped. I was the only one in when he got home and announced this. Surprisingly, I didn't freak out... but I was off the planet tired after the week away. He didn't have too much damage to himself and had to replace his helmet and some parts on his moped. Mum was the one to have the freakout.
So - Mum and Dad are away this week. Brat stayed out last night. He got home about an hour ago... he'd had a good day until about an hour before when he came off his moped! Again. The idiot wasn't wearing his proper bike jacket and has huge scrapes on his arm, his knee and ankle. No more damage than that. Apparently there's some scrapes on the moped too. Fortunately he didn't hit his head... so no replacing the very expensive helmet he had to replace already this month! At least he won't now go out without his proper jacket, he's learnt that lesson. And he wasn't at fault either... his friend in front came off trying avoid an oncoming car and the brat was already slowing down but still had to hit the brakes... unfortunately right as he got to a gravelled bit.
He doesn't want me to tell Mum and Dad about this. He says he'll do it once they get home. I'm letting him get away with this as there's nothing too serious and he's right when he says Mum'll freak totally and not enjoy the rest of the holiday - and they're are getting back on Friday anyway.
So now I'm sitting here trying not to freak out about the time he doesn't get to saunter in the door and tell me what he's done. Doesn't mean he's getting out of doing the washing up though!