Feb 06, 2006 18:17
I missed the England/Wales match on Saturday... to make up for it i was going to watch the Scotland/France match... I support Scotland (as long as they're not playing England) in most sporting events. So I sit down to watch it, whilst reading a few articles for this afternoons seminar... it gets to 3.30 and LA wanders in asking if I was going to be watching anything at 4. Obviously the Rugby was still going to be on... so I say yes. To which he says 'oh, well Ad's coming round to watch the football and J's not back yet so we'll have to watch it in here, is that ok?'!!!!! The fact that he'd already told Ad he could come and watch before asking me if it was ok (I was the only other person in the house at that point) is pissing me off totally. Anyway, I let them watch it as there's really not that much I could do about it... so I only saw the first half of the Rugby. :(
Ok, so I'm not the worlds biggest rugby fan... but it's tradition to watch it and I usually really get into it. Instead I got the Liverpool/Chelsea match with a soundtrack of Ad screaming at the tv! grrrr.
I also discovered last night that the seminar time for today had been changed from last semester to 1-3pm. Which was kind of a problem as I'd arranged to go and view a house with B and T. This put B in a foul mood... and also caused problems for T (who spent three housr trying to get a hold of the people this morning.)The lecture this morning (for the same module as the seminar) was very bizarre. People thought some very weird things in the 16th century... women could become men... but the oppostie wasn't true... also semen powered the universe!!!!! lol! Get to the seminar and discover that there's been a room mix up and we're finishing at 2 (the time of my meeting)... so in the end I was only 10 mins late... which wasn't a problem as the bloody people never turned up!
We rang a few other places and got some viewings... the first place we looked at was fantastic... so we have a place to live... and it's under my budget too!!! At least that's one thing out of the way. The new landlord seems fantastic and the previous tenants seem to like him too. Also we won't have to fork out money for a bus pass as it's only a 15 minute walk to my side of the uni... and even closer for B and T!