Title: Three In
Author: Emony
Rating: PG13
Disclaimer: Bellesario and CBS own them... not me.
Fandom: NCIS
Characters: Tony, Gibbs and Abby.
Spoilers: set post Legend: Part 1
Summary: A series of emails in the space between eps.
Series/Sequel: Follows
LifeboatsWords: ~200
Notes: Written for Kayla Shay for a meme at my LJ/Dreamwidth.
To: gibbs@abbyslair.com
From: tony@abbyslair.com
Subject: Issues
Attached: threeinabed.png
Miss you. We both do.
We've got a 3637.
To: gibbs@abbyslair.com
From: abby@abbyslair.com
Subject: Missing You
Attached: threeinacoffin.png
Here's hoping your remembered Rule 42. You know, the 'you go out of town for any length of time, you check this account' rule, of course you do, you're Gibbs.
I miss you. Tony misses you. We miss you. Ya know. Right?
Tony's gone all obsessive!Tony over Ziva and whatever it is she's hiding from us and he's not letting me let anyone know and I don't know what to do 'cause it just feels like it's all going to come back on us in a really bad way. So, I'm not telling you anything, right?
Oh, and somebody seems to think you and Macy have something going...
To: abby@abbyslair.com; tony@abbyslair.com
From: gibbs@abbyslair.com
Subject: RE: Missing You/Issues
Attached: threeinaboat.png
What in the hell, you two?
McGee thought I'd broken one of these new toys he's got to play with when he caught the look on my face from those photos. You're damn lucky I remembered that shortcut you showed us, Abbs.
Tony - keep it contained.
Abbs - somebody should know better.