Title: Terricago
Author: Emony
Rating: FR13
Fandoms: Firefly/dueSouth
Disclaimer: dueSouth is Alliance Atlantis Communications, I think. Firefly is Joss.
Word Count: 302
Summary: How do Mal and the others fare when it’s Fraser they have to worry about?
Notes: I came across this in my fic folder and discovered that I'd been working on it almost a year ago. I figured I'd resurrect it, see if I could get somewhere with it this time. So this is just a prologue.
Mal stood all captain like with his hands on his hips at the edge of the ramp,
"Now Doc, keep your sister out of trouble here. Can't be doing with having any trouble on this moon!"
"Not after the last time, sir," Zoë snickered.
Zoë had the grace to look properly chastised, until Mal turned back to Simon.
"Of course, Mal. River will be staying on board anyway."
"Fine. Just keep her outta the way."
Jayne clattered down the stairway followed by the Shepherd, "Do we gotta stop here, Mal?"
"We do."
"But, after last time?"
"Is this going to be like the story with Patience?" Simon asked, a smirk appearing.
"No. It's not. 'Cause you won't be hearing it."
"It's just that the law's a bit kwong-juh duh on Terricago, isn't it Mal?"
"Wash!" he sighed heavily, "just stay clear of Fraser and his animals."
"That's not too kind sir," Zoë snorted.
"Fine, stay clear of Fraser, Diefenbaker and the animal."
Having finished loading the mule Kaylee joined the group by the ramp,
"But they're so shiny, and Ray's not so bad."
"What's so bad about this Fraser anyway?" Simon muttered, catching Kaylee's attention as they followed the mule into the town square.
"Oh, the Cap'n just don't like him. 'Specially his weird habit of sniffing and licking stuff, just like his wolf."
"Oh and I suppose this Ray is some sort of tiger?"
Kaylee giggled, "No. Ray's a guy, he's more normal than Fraser, stops people from pulling the wool over his eyes."
"Ah. That would be why our dear captain does not agree with him then."
"If you two have finished yakking?" Mal called from the mule, "We're here. Doc, you find those things you were after and be back here in an hour."
End Prologue.