Fic splurge

May 12, 2007 13:04

I've just totted up my word count on fic since the 27th April: 16,752 words!

When you add in the 10k of uni work since the 22nd April I'm kind of in awe of myself right now ;) The uni work is pretty much the explanation for the fic splurge... nothing like an essay to get me writing fic ;)

The fic prompt thing I did for my Neela/Ray stuff provided a whole bunch of fics, some of which I never thought I'd write...

Accompaniment - Just what was Ray thinking with that CD? 13.21 spoilers

Surprise - Neela has a surprise for her husband. Part of the 'Dear Neela' 'verse.

At the End of the Day - The return of movie night. Part of the 'Dear Neela' 'verse.

Because - What else was on that CD? 13.21 spoilers.

Restrained, Restraint - Ray accuses Neela of being too controlled. FRT rating with warnings of naughtiness.

it holds a goodly share of bliss - Neela gets caught in a shower and then takes one. FRM rating.

Hope - What was Hope thinking? - 13.21 spoilers.

fic - er, uni, fic ramble, fic

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