I've just realised that the last time I posted anything that was to do with anything non-fandom related was sort of a while back... 1st March. That's mostly because RL went to hell and I've spent since then shifting between panic and slowly go even more insane... but hey, it looks like it did good things for the muses!
Things are getting better and this last weekend has been a like a recharge for my batteries. I went home for Easter, and for those of you who were around for the disaster that was my final year of undergrad, you know what a pain in the arse I was when I couldn't go home this time last year. Thankfully there were no health problems on either side of the country preventing me from making the trip (nearly dying on the actual trip over doesn't count).
Barring the travelling, I had a fab time. A relaxing time. I spent a lot of time just being. And sitting in the awesome sunshine at home in the garden.
On the travelling front... not so much. Mum drove over to pick me up and had a tire die on the way over... on the M60. Several hours later I was driving us back in the other direction and had the other front tire die on me whilst doing 70 in the middle lane of the same motorway... about 4 miles from where Mum lost hers! Unfortunately we then spent an hour stuck on the hardshoulder of the motorway... unable to get out of the car and away from the road due to the 15ft wall at the side of the road and 6 lanes of traffic going at 70 on the other side (ok, so they slowed due to an accident further up the road about 20 minutes in...)... so yeah... that was fun. Did get to ride in the back of the traffic peoples car though! So, all in all it took us 5 hours instead of the usual 2 and a half to get home on thursday.
Finally: excuse me whilst I squee madly.... *squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee* uh, yeah... sorry.
it fit me like a glove just got recced on
crack_impala. How very awesome is that? You probably haven't read anything quite like this in this fandom. - *giggles* nope, 'cause I have a habit of coming out with the oddest stuff ever... Thank you so much for the rec, guys!