Jun 10, 2004 12:13
ok...so i broke my computer..well supposably i did...so now its fixed woo effin whoo!!so anyways...when i was away from my computer time i did alot of thinking and i was like wow i feel like im going nowhere in life and i felt all dumb b/c alot of people call me stupid and well they can suck my pelvis...so therefore ive come to the conclusion that ineed summer...summer= money, getting my licence( im really workin on that one im ready for my test) redoing my room, studying to become smart..oh and to become hott...hahah nice summer goals..i don't really know if i want the butt load of drama thats going to come like there was for spring break...but oh well joelle and i have decided..that as soon as i get my licence were getting people and renting a condo on the beach hottness eh? that will work well with 2 of my goals hahah but i don't know someone pray that i past my chemistry test...i can't stand another year of mr bauld man hannah!! well im going to go study love u all xoxox