A day in the life

Jan 10, 2012 08:42

Thank God for smartphones and early closes. I managed to get some of what I needed done yesterday done on my phone and a bit more when I got home early due to having closed the pub early. I spoke a bit to torpartjejen and we decided that she should most definatly come over in a few weeks. I also found that my fabrics that I had ordered from eBay had arrived. They didn't look quite as I had expected but I think I can still use them. I just need a few more bits and bobs for the Roman blinds.
Having had a few things thrown around this week end I realised I could make it to this month's revel. Combined with having been asked by our princess bend_gules for some help with clothes I felt it important not to miss this one. Now I just have to find a way to get my clothes down from the attic and find some food to make.
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