I've just skimmed the Daily Mail's cover off Nine, the musical that is soon due to have its premier. Over and over I read the same statement and I can only cry "Why, God why?".
Fist Daniel Day-Lewis, who plays the main character;
"He tried to convince me I could sing and I said: "You've no idea if I can sing or not!"'
Day-Lewis said the last time he'd sung publicly was when he was in the local church choir when he was a child. 'I sang feebly a couple of times, and on the grounds of that Rob managed to convince me it was worth pursuing,' he continued, adding that dancing was out of the question."
And then Judie Dench;
"Director Rob Marshall and joint choreographer John DeLuca met Judi at Claridges. 'They gave me coffee and said: "Will you be in this?" They didn't want to hear me sing, nor see if I could dance.' Once rehearsals began, there was no turning back."
I mean, really! This is supposed to be a musical. There are so many talented musical actors out there, who works their butts off and never gets a chance just because Hollywood wants big names. Why can't they respect that singing in the shower and in front off an audience isn't the same thing. The audience deserve good singers and actors in filmed musicals, not just big names. If no one ever takes a chance there will never be the next big star. What happens when Daniel Day-Lewis and Judie Dench are dead, who will they use then?
Sometimes you can actually get both; a big name and a really good singer. Antonio Banderas is a wonderful example off this. But at least make sure before you start rehearsals that the guy can sing.
This happens over and over again and it's not like the audience don't notice.
Chicago, The Phantom of the Opera, Sweeney Todd and Mamma Mia!, all features famous actor who shouldn't be even mentioned in the same sentence as the film they appeared in. Do we now have to add Nine to that list too?
Daily Mail on Nine