They shall fall before my righteous pen

Oct 30, 2009 17:10

My [copywriting] enemies include:

  • The 80-word sentence.
  • People who ignore the 'one idea per...' rule. One idea per paragraph. One idea per sentence. One idea per list. Got two ideas? Get a different paragraph/sentence/list.
  • Two ideas - when they do not follow on from each other logically, but they should. This includes ideas that are pushed together with nothing linking them at all and also ideas that are linked but only by what could favourably be described as 'hogwash'.
  • Extra words. Words that could be taken out, but are put in. They don't mean anything, they are just frames around the key message of the sentence. They are the crap that should be cut.
  • Unnecessarily long or obscure words. We're talking 'diminutive' instead of small, 'commonalities' instead of 'trends', 'oeuvre' instead of 'work'.

Thus ends today's work/language-related moan. Please note that in general I am a big fan of unnecessarily long or obscure words, just not in marketing copy. Although, really - commonalities, wtf?

nome xxx
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