Oct 31, 2005 20:26
Why? Why did I stay in this class? I don't get myself anymore. Why do I continuously tourture myself in things that I know I should have gotten out of a long time ago. I really don't get it. I really do not like myself for staying in this class. I don't totally hate myself for it because I figured at the time I could pass it and not have a problem but I still had a nagging thing in my head that said I shouldn't do it because the class is based on a midterm and final. So stupid me stays in it anyway when I should have listened to myself and dropped it like it's hot. Why do I continuously do this. Make stupid decisions with school. I do not like myself at all. I started to feel so good and then bam, I bomb this test. Not what I need right now. I was hoping this would be the first smooth semester where I would do fine in everything. Not straight A's. I was expecting mostly B's and if a C or two ended up there that would have been fine.
Anyway, I gotta go study so I don't bomb anything else this semseter. Happy Halloween.