Dec 11, 2003 09:12
Yea so im chillin like matt dillion on penacillin.oh shit some kids getting bitched out.HA HA HA.I am so bored.I cant wait till saturday.Im mad at everyone who went to the Misfit Christmas concert.You guys are sons of Bitches.AHHhHH you guys can eat my ass.Im so happy because ive finally decided what to get the biddy for christmas.But I cant say because she might be reading this.JESS IM NOT TELLING YOU!!!!!!Ha ha ha.Yea so im hanging with the new kid from global isnt that kool.My body hurts from gym.I fell asleep last night at 7:00 and woke up at 8:46.So i didnt get to take a shower.I felt like i was high for some reason.