Dec 02, 2002 23:10
So I finally experienced the Pomona tradition of B-day dumping.
So Jeannie, my sponsor, walks in to talk to Mai, but she won't let me listen in. Then both of them walk out. Then about 6 minutes later, my door is pushed open, everyone starts singing happy b-day and Edmund runs in and gets me out of my chair with the help of Bryan. They didn't even let me bring shoes!!
So I was carried out in the cold with no shoes and dunked into the wet, chlorine-filled fountain water. Luckily, Mai and Kris got secretly got me towels (people who get dunked are not supposed to get towels)...but nonetheless...i had to walk through dirty streets, soil and grass barefooted...and cold...and smelling like chlorine...
But it was certainly cool! Thanks for the b-day card guys! And Edmund thinks he's just so funny with his b-day card message: Shana, you still DON'T KNOW JACK. (well...pssssssh!)
on a side note, to those of you who already know about it, this would make some sense to you hopefully: it doesn't hurt as much after succesive splashes of hot oil on my fingers. it's just something you learn to ignore and forget.