Oct 16, 2002 00:40
Event 1: Decision to go to AAMP retreat on Saturday when most of the people in my sponsor group aren't going.
-primary reason: want to go to AHS homecoming
-secondary reason: I can't feel anymore excluded than I already feel from my beloved sponsor group.
Event 2: Realization 1
-i only exist to others when they need hw help-notably math help.
Event 3: Conversation
-guy: so how is it _______ ?
-me: frustrating.
Event 4: Realization 2
-i really dislike uncertainty. maybe that's why i like math now-at least there's a definite answer. some people think uncertainty and fun and free. i think it's frustrating and i refuse to bother myself with any of it. i'm frustrated enough as it is.
Event 5: Reply to Rita's post
-thanks for caring. i need some rita love too.
Event 6: phone with Steph
-plans for beach on saturday
-phone convos are fun and REAL. why don't people do it more often. beats AIM 10X.
Event 7: consideration to shut up and take Prozac