Only a month till I'm back in NSW!
School is intense at the moment, but the new minestrone soup at the tuckshop keeps me less grumpy. (Although it is overpriced.)
Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights is the school production, you should definitely see it if you know how to sneak in without Mr Box catching you without a ticket - they sold out the day after they went on sale. Jess plays a hilarious role as the wife of Matt in grade 9 - the boy who thinks Ammie's name is Henry, and calls Steve Henrietta. Love that kid. Lana kissing Simon Watt also has the potential for a lot of laughs.
Half day tomorrow - music extension is cancelled because of musical rehearsals? Yeah!
Saturday night there is a rehearsal room show in Bowen Hills, which will be really excellent. The Nightcrash, Look!Pond, Stature::Statue, BigStrongBrute and Radiation Nation are playing and everybody, ESPECIALLY CHLOE, should come. However I know you're all going to the Brookfield show to wear gumboots, smell like horse and drink goon in the dark. Oh well.
I've been listening to a lot of gypsy violin lately, to try and compensate for not doing as much practice as I should. I hate vocal music at the moment, mostly because I am trying to finish my composition - a vocal duet - without much luck. Regardless, Bartok was a total genius.