im scared guys.... ash bash wants to kik my ass.

Jun 23, 2005 20:59

hola errrrrr one.

well im in miramar. awsome!!!! lol

its amazing siting here do jack shit cuz of rain. w/e im online jerkinoff to gay german monkey porn but hey its cool. lol jk jk jk. ok

DIANA IS AMAZING!!!!! ASH IS AMAZING!!!!!! IM GAY!!!!! ash said shes gonna bash me. thanx i feel safe. and di said shes got ash's back. Goddamn it i need help. whose got my back!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!

well ima go later dayzzzzzzzzzzzzzz big money huslazzzzzzzzz.

"woke up quick at about noon i told myself i had to be in compton soon....." -eazy e

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