Mar 06, 2007 07:51
He says.... Well I'm giving you a break tonight (I think its because I was nice and he clocked me going the speed limit) so here's a formal warning, send this into the court saying you fixed the problem and you'll be all good.
I think someone was looking out for me that night.
at any rate, the cell phone hunt has been interesting. Jamie, your site worked, but those cell phones on there are full price, and i don't have that much to spend unfortunately. I think I want a sidekick 2, but I'm having trouble finding it online except through ebay. If I can convince my parents, they might LOAN me the money and I can get a gently used one on there, but my mom is so hell bent on brand new she doesn't understand that phones don't really come cheap. Like the motorola pebl is $250! its tiny and it cost that much! the sidekick two on ebay runs abour 100-200 dollars used, so why not? cell phones are hella expensive if you don't want to sign another contract, which I can't anyway cuz we already have.