so its back to wind in our hair stereo blasting drives, except this year her foots on the gas.
of course its her car we are cruising in now. but she lets me drive. sometimes.
tracey loves driving. im so happy she has her own car now. sunday night we went for a drive just to drive. we listened to awesome tunes and looked at how beautiful the city of atlanta is at night. this weekend was a sleepy weekend for us. there was alot of napping going on. we also watched alot of futurama, family guy, and simpsons episodes thanks to (which is apparently now closed down. damn). we also had a few drinks this weekend. like margaritas in the morining. und becks? und becks. yeah but it was a fun weekend. we got wild. the weekend before that we saw jackass number two. we saw it at buckhead backlot which is quickly becoming our favorite movie theater. some movies (ie. beerfest and jackass 2) go better with a pitcher of beer. i love the review of jackass 2. "its like snakes on a plane. you either really, really want to see it. or you don't. and if you dont, then we're probably not friends." it was a great movie. laugh out loud funny the whole time. anyways thats all i have to say for now. hopefully i will post again soon or come back and edit/update this post.