Mar 12, 2004 16:48
soooo busy doesn't even come close to how i've been doing. I've had rehersal for forum, my classes and stuff, and then trying to figure out this whole summer session deal. it's a pile of crap rigth now though because it looks like, i might not be able to get the job i was planning on having, and therefore, cash might become an issue... arg..
anyway, yeah this summer i'll be staying at school from like may to end of june, taking some extra courses, and hopefully working down the street... my plan is, once i get the job down the street start as soon as possible, keep the job into the summer, when i leave in the beginning of july, work maybe transfer to the shaws in stratham, and then when i come back for my sophmore year work down the street again. i hope that works out, im going to need to have a steady income and such. Plus i think my parents might be a little LESS disappointed in me if i get that job.
So again, watchign a lot of buffy the vampire slayer. just finished kyp's third favorite episode "hush" basically a good 3/4 of the episode is silence, no talking. but it was hilarious, and good, and just ah... good. I'm really not as obsessed as people seem to think. like, i can go without watching, but basically, there's not much else to do in my room, like, music...
i used to turn to music to relax and stuff, and its still very relaxing, but like last night at rehersal mike nicholson was playing the piano and like everyone was singing along and like, it made me realize, i really just suck at music, and like, now instead of hearing myself play something and go, hey that's not that bad, all i can think of is wow... i suck.
so obviously, not exactly the happiest mood. but its off and on. Went skating this morning, that was fun. it seemed like nikki and i were rather distant this past week, but things got better, so.. al is well, we're suppose to go to "st. a's on ice" tonight, its like free skating, food and music, so im excited for that. then tomorrow she has some big thing planned, im excited for that as well.
i seemed to have misplaced my cell phone... don't know where it is. can't call it because the battery is dead, and i don't have a good charger, the thing is broken, so it all kind of blows. uh
i guess i did really well on a paper in dark and supernatural lit... which si cool. uh just kind of out of it right now. looked back at ryan's journal and kind of knew how he felt. thats exactly how i had felt probably about this time last year. and sometimes still now, it just seems like my life is going nowhere. the one thing that i thought i had in order was this summer, i had this big plan, but it basically fell to pieces cuz different things.
i feel like i kind of don't have a place. like, with theater and stuff even... like occasionally people think im funny, but kyp is the funny guy. occasionally people think im talented, but then there's like twelve million people above me in that category, like ach... i don't know.
alright, im going to attempt to play guitar.