May 03, 2004 15:01
Does anyone read this anymore? heheh If not I dont care = P its a journal after all, not a advertisement of my life for everyone elses sake /shrug
Yarly thanks for letting me crash at your house when ever I need to... I appreciate it...
So the other day Kait hangs out with me and the boys and we got the princess to take a beer bong lol... now that was something, i wish we had a camera = P
Last night I hung out with some old friends from the Cav, aka Pate, Sean, and Teddy... rofl I have never seen Teddy so shitfaced in my life, apparently Mr Milleson (cavalier GM) gave them a Keg that wasnt used after some function so they took it back to Pate's house and had a little party, then Me sean and teddy went over to Yarlys with Josh and Nay and chilled over there for a while. I talked to Jessica Baby last night too, she couldnt come hang out but ill prolly see her this weekend when I move in... speaking of that
Saturday is it fellas... I move in to the new apt on 23rd and Baltic... If you can help me in anyway please let me know... aka if you have a truck, if you can help me carry shit, if you have a knack for interior decorating, if you know about feng shue, or if you wana just come hang out and watch everyone else help me carry all my shit up 3 flights of stairs, whatever just gimme a call and let me know that you can help on saturday... the faster I get all my shit in that house the faster we can start drinking and chillin. Good times~
Jshine... did you get any booty from booty last night? /wink* hehe i saw her this morning and she looked extreemly bubbly and happy... you go girl friend....