May 03, 2008 08:33
my first car was a wonderful car named George! a light blue (about this hue), slightly metallic, 4-door with decent sized trunk, 1991 Toyota Tercel! ah yes- he is also the reason I learned to drive a stick-shift, as he was one.
I bought him for $650 with a stereo already inside (Sony). I was only able to drive him for about a year until we moved and left him behind to one of our friends. I am told he is doing well still but I hate that I had to leave him.
I now have a 2007 yellow Chevy Aveo (also stick), which I am started to connect to, but I doubt I will ever love a car as much as I love(d) George. So many fond memories and drives and songs. His Swan Song was Gwen Stefani's "Danger Zone," one of my alltime favorite songs.
A little piece of knowledge: guys are quite impressed when they find out you can drive stick if you're a girl. However, I get pulled right back down when they find out I am hopeless with directions (to anywhere but the mall, of course).
ahhh... Summer. when I have time to write entries like these....
first car,
writer's block