Apr 24, 2007 10:41
Hey everyone,
So things are super busy around here - and nothing is more busy than the hunt for an internship. Almost all of my intrepid classmates have awesome internships lined up, and even The Boyfriend has two really good options. (Although people have to get back to him, he should know what he's doing this summer by the end of the week.)
For my part, I had two good leads:
1) Video-game company
2) Software engineering company
Video-game company wanted me to work on a project for them. I can't even tell you what it is, it's so top-secret that I had to sign an NDA to go on the initial interview...which was in February. I can tell you that it would have been extremely difficult, but highly rewarding. I can also tell you that the interview "process" has been fairly grueling - I went for an official interview in February, then had to complete a writing test, which was supposed to be here by March 12 and finally showed up on April 5 and had to be turned around by April 12. (Which is slightly ridiculous for a deeply involved writing test whose subject matter I simply cannot elaborate upon.)
Software engineering company wanted me to make them an official-type style guide, and edit some academic papers, and other things kind of like that. I would probably be working for my Marketing professor, who is also their Director of Communications, and an all-around pretty awesome dude. (Note: I got this lead because of all those papers I edited for Dad, and for others - thanks, everyone!) By all accounts, the people at said software engineering firm are also awesome, making it a good work environment, but involving a subject that is massively boring.
Neither one is a bad choice. Both have upsides and downsides. And whichever one I pick will probably alter my future in a subtle way that I can't adequately express at this time.
Why, then, upon receiving the rejection that I received this morning from said video-game company, do I feel as though I have failed in some way? I haven't; I'm just going to be doing something different, but it doesn't prevent me from still feeling this way.