ok what's with all these anonymous people commenting on my last post. are you too ashamed that you don't want to let anyone know who you are? what happened to "I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ"? if this is what you believe and are telling me then why are you hiding who you are. to me that seems like you are an even smaller person than
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"With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God's likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing, My brothers, this should not be." Now Eric, dont slap me with the judgement label yet either. I feel like you need truth spoken to you because you have so seriously distorted truth. You have misinterpreted bible verses, i know you are very smart, i think you know that too- i think you know God didnt intend those verses to be used how you have used them here...you have also implied that since OTHER people are not feeding starving children YOU should then be able to use profanity in reference to them- sorry, i dont think that jives. I am not saying this to show you how bad you are or how good i am...as christians we are CALLED to hold one another accountable. I am blessed to have people that almost daily are checking up on how my relationship with God is and how my lifestyle that seeks to glorify and honor God is going. I screw up all the time, i need that truth spoken into my life- thats the beauty of a christian community. Your postings have reeked of bitterness, vulgurness, and anger to mention only a few. I have heard you say that you love Jesus- i see your language as a hinderance to fully becomming in the image of Christ and i am calling you on it in hopes that you can become more like Christ. I also want to quickly address how the "anonymous" viewer that you are so mad at addressed what he/she saw as your shortcommings. I believe they said "it hurts me to see you..." They are not comming to you as a coward or a judger, they seem to be comming to you as a truth speaker that hurts to see another Christian allowing Satan into that part of their life...thats all for now, i am sure i will hear from you soon. ~Erin
I hear KTIS is looking for some new dj's you should give them a call.
I can see it now...the napper and-Erin
:) thanks for tip
i apologize for the rudeness of the other replies this is just something that really really really bothers and trouble me.
and you are right -- everyone has struggles in their own lives . but that ' s where a lot of my last comment comes from . i don ' t believe erin was attacking eric , but just letting him know how she felt . i don ' t see anything wrong with that . . . eric can take it or leave it .
"And Jesus said to her, 'Neither do I condemn you, but Go, and sin no more.'" John 8:11
That quote wasn't to imply that cursing is a sin, just to point out that oknifefighto doesn't quite have the facts straight....
Why does everyone on this post have the attitude that behaviors that won't get us sent to hell are okay for Christians? It's not a matter of legality, people, whether saying certain words is or is not technically forbidden in the bible. Don't take the judgement of other Christians as the last word on whether cussing is okay or not, or whether or not "God really cares." If you believe, as you say, that the Bible is the only authority for Christians, then listen with a humble heart to the admonition to think on "whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is good or is of any virtue, think on these things." If those are the guidelines for our thoughts and speech given in the Bible, not, God forbid, by other Christians, you can't say "God doesn't care" if you say a couple impure words(which i think anyone who actually thought about the meaning of words would define as words referring to excrement, i.e. S***, sexual intercourse as an implied degredation, i.e. F*** you, judging people or things and doling out punishment reserved for God only. i.e. D*** you/this/it), because He DID give us guidelines for our thoughts and speech, and defending yourself by hiding behind the fact that you're not breaking a direct commandment is a lame cop-out by Christians who don't want to admit that maybe they are supposed to be holding themselves to a harder-to-meet higher standard, even though God loves unconditionally. I've heard Christians excuse every possible sin with, "but God loves me unconditionally!", and I'm sick of Christians who use that tenet of our God as a "wild card" for doing anything and acting defensive when they are questioned as Christians on it. Don't comfort yourself by thinking "God isn't judgemental like other Christians are!" You're right, He isn't: he's judgemental like a 100% sin-free deity is judgemental. That is not comforting. Assured of salvation or not, we're still getting judged at the end. Do you really believe that even though there's nothing he won't forgive, there's ANYTHING that one way or another he doesn't "care about?"
"And Jesus said to her, 'Neither do I condemn you, but Go, and sin no more.'" John 8:11
That quote wasn't to imply that cursing is a sin, just to point out that oknifefighto doesn't quite have the facts straight....
Why does everyone on this post have the attitude that behaviors that won't get us sent to hell are okay for Christians? It's not a matter of legality, people, whether saying certain words is or is not technically forbidden in the bible. Don't take the judgement of other Christians as the last word on whether cussing is okay or not, or whether or not "God really cares." If you believe, as you say, that the Bible is the only authority for Christians, then listen with a humble heart to the admonition to think on "whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is good or is of any virtue, think on these things." If those are the guidelines for our thoughts and speech given in the Bible, not, God forbid, by other Christians, you can't say "God doesn't care" if you say a couple impure words(which i think anyone who actually thought about the meaning of words would define as words referring to excrement, i.e. S***, sexual intercourse as an implied degredation, i.e. F*** you, judging people or things and doling out punishment reserved for God only. i.e. D*** you/this/it), because He DID give us guidelines for our thoughts and speech, and defending yourself by hiding behind the fact that you're not breaking a direct commandment is a lame cop-out by Christians who don't want to admit that maybe they are supposed to be holding themselves to a harder-to-meet higher standard, even though God loves unconditionally. I've heard Christians excuse every possible sin with, "but God loves me unconditionally!", and I'm sick of Christians who use that tenet of our God as a "wild card" for doing anything and acting defensive when they are questioned as Christians on it. Don't comfort yourself by thinking "God isn't judgemental like other Christians are!" You're right, He isn't: he's judgemental like a 100% sin-free deity is judgemental. That is not comforting. Assured of salvation or not, we're still getting judged at the end. Do you really believe that even though there's nothing he won't forgive, there's ANYTHING that one way or another he doesn't "care about?"
The word fuck was made impure by society where in 20 years from now it will be like saying crap. You see, there are the moral issues that change as society changes, and their are the issues that remain the same. the 10 commandments are an excellent example. no where is it acceptable to kill someone, where as swearing is acceptable almost anywhere nowadays.
Im sorry that your sick of people caring about what the whole christian belief comes down to. God does love me unconditionaly NO MATTER WHAT. I dont have to go to church i dont need to be as good as christian as everyone, i need to love the lord with all my heart, and in doing so god will guide me in my journey with him.
can i guess what denomination you are?
hmmm... let me see.... Assembly of God?
The F word wasn't "made impure by society-" it is meant to connote the act of sexual intercourse, which isn't impure in itself in any way. Society uses the word in a way that refers to innapropriate sexual activity: what you are literally saying when you say "F-you/this/it" is "I perceive you (or whatever) as having no more worth than that I can dictate to you when you are to have sexual intercourse." Now before you get all irate and tell me i'm cracked, let me say I know that this is not what runs through most of our minds when we hear "F-you." That is, however, the most concise literal translation. Now, the fact that we don't hear that or mean it when we use F*** does mean, as you argue, that society changes issues, but what changed was not the "purity" of the word; it was our desensitization to it. Like you said, 20 years ago, "crap" was a "curse" word- it's not mild now because "society defined it as impure" back then and now we know better and are fine with it, it's mild now because as it increased in use, people stopped thinking about its meaning. True "moral" issues don't change. That's as dangerous a mindset as believing that "we are told to strive for [being a certain way,] but we aren't told we have to be like that!" Standards for purity don't change: we change our standards. God's standard is the "whatsoever is good" standard- you're right, we're not always going to adhere to it, but the fact that it's not a "sin" as defined by the ten commandments doesn't mean that it's not an expectation. That was what i meant when i used the "wild card" analogy; we try to excuse whole scores of behaviors, "sins" or not, by nitpicking over the definition of a "sin," instead of just acknowledging that yes, we admit our thoughts aren't "heavenly" all the time, but that maybe we're supposed to be trying harder to change that that just saying, "well he told me to think about this stuff (i.e. impurity not always defined as "sin"), he never told me to DO anything about it!" Of course you don't have to be "as good a Christian" as others are, there aren't people who are "better" at being forgiven than others.
And P.S. the next time you want to take issue with one of my "own definitions" and "own beliefs," please point out or directly quote which parts of someone's post you are referring to; i was under the impression that in my last post, i merely quoted that purity reference and established that it argued against speech that is accompanied by impure thought, and i know that i didn't say that failing to keep one's thoughts pure was a sin, if that was the "translation" you were referring to. On the contrary, that was the reason i brought up the whole, 'sick of Christians who excuse behavior that "technically" isn't sin with the whole Unconditionally-Loving-God principle,' and who feel that they don't have to do anything (such as try to change/conform to a higher standard)except be aware of their sin because their God is so loving and understanding.
No, lots of christians pointing out cussing does not mean god is pointing is finger at eric or anyone else. Thats whats wrong with christians. Alot of people point out the flaws of other people because they are unhappy with themselves. Im not saying everyone is like that. the rest are mainly over evangelical christians that think god tells them to do everything like point out errors in others. And your right i do believe that god can convict people. god has convicted me about many things. never swearing. ANd i NEVER said that just cuz its not a 10 commandment we dont have to follow it. but somethings are not clear, and can be interpreted in 10000 different ways.
Your statements about the society desensitizing cuss words is off and contradicts things that you say. you say that its wrong to say things like fuck because its still impure even though its acceptable by society then you say its the same thing for crap. yet you seems to justify saying crap. CHRISTIANS with this attitude draw the line where they want to. If you believe and take the bible absolutely literally you wouldnt say crap or darn or anyhting. but instead you draw the line where you want to. its rediculous and its a huge problem with in the christian belief.
whats your name?
there are two ways to look at the bible....
absolutely literally, or take it in the way you see it. alot if it can be interpreted many different ways. and you know what some people will say things like the bible doesnt say you cant drink or smoke weed. cool life, thats their interpretation. all of our interpretations are different. yours are jsut similar to the rest of the popular christian belief cuz thats probably what you have been taught. ive been taught to view things with an open heart and open mind im not told what to believe anymore.
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