Sep 16, 2004 15:02
i can't say i've been too bust to update, i havn't, i can't say nothing is worth writing about, it is, i can't say there is nothing or no one in my life that i care about, there is. all i can say is that i havn't felt compeled to update for whatever reasons.
some things i've noticed slash decided.
you can't change the past, so get over it, you can only learn from it and look to the future.
carpe freaking diem, that's what i say.
God is amazing, and i turn away and choose not to look at him too often. there was somting that we talked about this summer when i was in training in the czech republic for my internship that really hit me hard. we were reading in ephisians about our place in Christ, and when we become followers of him we are places in Christ, not next to him, not below him or behind him, we are in Christ, and Christ is at the right hand of God, and that's as close as you can get to God, so therefore we are as close to God as we can be, when we become christians. and once we are in that place nothing can snatch us out of his hand. so when we think that God has left, and we have fallen away, and we are in darkness all we have to do is turn around. becasue even though we are always in his hand, we can still turn our back to him. so really we are never farther away or closer to God, it's just the way we are facing. so when we are in sin, it's just that we are facing the wrong way, and God is there waiting for us to turn around. and how lame would you feel if you just turn around and see the person that loves you the most when you are doing something that hurts him the most. it's stupid, but i do it all the time. so there's my 'sermon' really i just thought that i would share somehting that i have learned, and had to remind myself about. but even though it's dumb, we are always in the place we need to be, right next the the rock freaking awesome God.
peace out, and search for the light of God to be on your face