So you're mom gets drunk eh? My parents would practacally NEVER go near a bottle of beer or anything with alcohol in it EVER.
I wish I had snow here, but don't *sighs.*
My mom just takes me to school, while my dad takes my sister in the morning. But in the afternoon my bitchy little sister has.... basketball, dance, volleyball, etc. so she doesn't ride my afternoon bus.
Wish I could be there for you, but hey we're pretty close since we're in the same state :)
thanks... your lucky you hav both a mom nd dad... my mom had drunk sex at 17 and the guy ran away nd left my mom, and then she got married and divorced nd kept my sister...
I wish I had snow here, but don't *sighs.*
My mom just takes me to school, while my dad takes my sister in the morning. But in the afternoon my bitchy little sister has.... basketball, dance, volleyball, etc. so she doesn't ride my afternoon bus.
Wish I could be there for you, but hey we're pretty close since we're in the same state :)
i wish i coudl meet you <333
My birthday's in ten days!!!!! :D
I bet you're to SELFISH and IGNORANT to do ANYTHING CARING AT ALL!!!! Now look at my icon, and pay close attention to the words. I DON'T LIKE YOU!!!
Quit bugging Mollie asshole!!! And if I'm a bitch, how come I get ALL A'S..... HUH?!?!?!?! And how come, I actually HAVE friends!!!!
*Sighs* Mollie, just make you journal entries friends only. Didn't roseofsharingan show you how earlier?
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