Oct 22, 2008 00:07
What do I want for myself?? What do I want my life to be about??
These are the questions that sneak up on me everyday. And I honestly don't know the answer to either of those questions.
I feel like I'm searching for answers, but not getting anywhere. It's hard for me, because I see these people getting jobs right out of college or even getting married and I think, where did I go wrong. Not that I ever planned to get married at 23, but I'm no even close. I keep thinking, "Why not me?". I don't want to feel sorry for myself, but I can't seem to help not thinking about marriage and if there's someone out there for me.
As far as jobs go, I think I finally know what I want to do, but how can I be sure? How can I be sure that going on to grad school and spending the money to do it is the right thing to do? Will I be happy? Will I be comfortable? Will I gain a career that I love? I don't know, but I wish I did. It'd save me a whole lot of trouble and possibly, a whole lot of money.
Anyway, I hate facebook sometimes. I love it in the way that I can talk to people I don't get to see very often whether it be cousins who live on the east coast, high school friends or people I went to Italy with. But I really, really hate the news feed. There are some people that I just don't want to know things about. Relationship status is one of them. I hate how I can be having a great day and then go on facebook and be crushed by a certain someone's relationship change from "single" to "in a relationship". And even more, it KILLS me that shit like that bothers me. It kill, kill, kills me. I HATE IT. I shouldn't even care anymore, and even when I think I don't, the changing of the relationship status and my reaction to it proves to me that I DO still care. And I really wish I could just not care. It would make things so much easier.
I don't want to care anymore. I just want to care about myself and my own happiness and not let something like fucking facebook fuck with it. IT'S A FUCKING WEBSITE! Jesus christ, since when could websites ruin your day. SO DUMB.
Anyway, anyone want to move in to an apartment with me? I really feel like I need a change and I think independence from my childhood home is the answer.
CHANGE! So Obama promises change to the country, why can't someone promise change to my personal life :o) If only it were that easy.
Edit: Here's your interesting journal update Jose ;o)