Palin asking Biden if she could call him "Joe" when they both first shook hands.
Palin's use of "maverick" over and over and over, and Biden getting sick of it and using the term against her.
"Heck ov' a", "Doggone it!", "Ya betcha!" and any other use of southern lingo used by Palin.
Palin's SHOUT OUT to her brother's elementary school class in Alaska. YES, she made a shout out in a debate.
Palin when she misspoke and said "Senator O'Biden". Suddenly, Biden is Irish. haha
Palin's OBSESSION with talking about energy, even during debate questions that didn't address energy at all. Talking about energy is all good and fine, except all she talks about is using American oil sources rather than foreign oil sources. That is NOT the focus of the energy crisis, nor is using American sources a way to solve it. If you're going to talk about the energy crisis, maybe you should talk about alternative energy sources, because clearly, we need to ween ourselves off oil, foreign or domestic.
Biden referring to himself in third person over and over. Point?