So I've decided that I'm in love with half of England's soccer team. I mean Michael Owen, David Beckham, John Terry, Peter Crouch Frank Lampard? A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. I'm in a good mood and I don't know why. Just a plain old good mooood :) I feel like I need to do something with my life. I do nothing all day, not that I'm complaining. I like to do nothing, but it feels like I should be doing something. I feel bad that I skipped out on community service today, but there was really no way for me to get there. Oh well. They'll understand. Spring Sports Awards night was monday, I recieved the Coach's award, probably for being the only girl coach could bare... since she hates all of us. Oh well only one more year of her craziness plus the fact that we're gonna have someone actually watching over our goings ons so that she can't fuck up our shit. I'm excited to watch "Layer Cake" tonight, looks like a good mouvie. I know, I lead a sad boring life. Oh well, I'm done. This whole update your journal thing is so 5 minutes ago
oh and btw i'll leave you with this
frank lampard <3