(no subject)

Jun 18, 2010 17:04

Dear support contact.

You are fucking paid to keep me company when I need it. It is a job, despite the fact that it may not seem like it. As it is, I have five hours a week where I can ask you to go out to eat/to the movies/do something. That's what our contract says.

Now, I get you're busy with your other job and that you have both friends and a boyfriend to take care of, and yes, this job doesn't pay as well as your others one.

I know I've been kinda wobbly with keeping up with stuff these last few weeks because of depression and stress, but when I send you a message on Wednesday morning and you say "ok, you can either go with me and my friends to Sex and the City 2, or we can do something Friday morning", then ok. I figure that's when you have time to go do something.

Obviously, I say no to going to see Sex and the City 2 as that couldn't interest me any less even if it tried to. So, Friday 10 AM is what I chose.

Now. I like to sleep in the day, but I figure hell, I'll go to bed early and get up in the morning so we can hang out, despite the fact that other than four-five hours with you, I don't have a damn thing to do all day. My role plays are pretty dead during the day, they die from about 10 AM to 7 PMish. But I can live with this if I get four-five hours of ~social tiemz~...

So, that being said.

It is not.

I repeat; NOT.

Ok to contact me at 9:30 AM (when I am basically about to go get ready and go out the door) asking if you can change it to 12 PM, and then contact me again around 11 PM to say that "oh sorry, seems like I won't have time after all" and then not even tell me why you can't.

When I cancel, I at least have the decency to call you a night before to say that our plans will have to be moved to another day.


!stress, !rant, !drama

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