New York: Day 2

Feb 10, 2011 00:47

 LONG overdue...but anyways! On to the photos!! *dramatic music* (Click here if you haven't see the first day of our trip)

So we woke up around 9:00 am to start the day of Arashi-ness!  And boy it started out great~ You guys already know how our hotel was right on Times Square, but know what was right out front?

Ok flaily part over ^^;;;

Naturally I had to take a picture with that statue. In the same pose as well X3  God I hugged the crap out of that thing...^-^;;;;;;

Lulu, Kai, and me on the red steps ^ ^

Lovely day to be in New York! :D

So then we immediately set out for Kinokuniya!!!  :DD If only they let you take pictures in the store because it was heaven~ SO much prettiness!!! My wallet was crying the moment we stepped in T-T

So here's what I got: 

Dear god I love this issue of Wink Up XD and they only had one left!!! Lucky me!!! :D

More magazines~ I'll be honest. I chose them based on the posters inside XD;;  That issue of Potato there has a positively lovely big poster of Jun ^^  Man I slaved over getting all those posters out... x.x
I also bought some gifts for friends so I was a great deal poorer when I left ;_;

Random tidbit:

There were guys out on the street giving away bottles of free orange and apple juice! Awesome!! :D

Anyways~ We were all super hungry by then, so where's a bunch of Arashi fangirls (plus their escort XP lol poor Kenny) with a huge appetite supposed to go?


:DDD I took this after we came out so we didn't wait in the long line. It seems we got there just before a big rush so lucky again~ I had an omelet, Kenny had a roast beef sandwich, and Kai and Lulu had burgers. All super sized!! Holy crap we were stuffed after that. So then we left, but not before seeing our boys~

Damn picture's right above a light fixture so I had to stretch to get this shot XP At least we'd already seen it so we knew where to look. They're so cute~  Poor Neener missed out :(

Awesome sidenote: My friends headed out to the front before me because I was trying to get the picture of the picture XP and then when I was checking my camera to see how it looked, someone said to me "Hey!  You know who those guys are?" I look up and it's this cheerful looking old man. I smile and say "Yea!"  He says "Arashi, right?" I get even more excited and I say "Yea I love them!" He laughs and says "Yea I hear they're pretty popular here in America too!" 
After that we said a few more things and then he left. It wasn't until after that that my brain finally put it together: He's probably the guy who met Arashi when they were here. O.O  Lol it's probably a good thing I didn't realize it because I would've probably spazzed and scared him XD;  But I'm super happy I met him!!! He was so nice and it made me happy that he still remembered them ^^

SO! After that little adventure we headed up to F.A.O. Schwartz. A little break from the Arashi-ness XP I wanted to play on the big piano again plus look at all the cool toys! What can I say, I'm a kid inside XD

OMG this is too cute!!! lol marine science nerd alert XD;  but seriously I want this in my room ^-^


Lego Boba Fett!!!  lol that baby is awesome XD

Lulu and Lego Chewy!!! :D
I was disappointed that Lego Harry Potter & friends weren't there :(  I guess Lego Santa replaced them for the time being.

THE LOTS-O'-HUGGIN' BEAR FROM TOY STORY 3!!!!!!  No lie, it was EXACTLY like the one in the movie. He was super soft and said his cutsie catchphrases and actually smelled like strawberries!!!!! 8D  lol I love cool toys XD

Last time I was in New York it was for a band trip so me and my band director went and played Heart & Soul on the big piano like in the movie Big (we totally rocked it XD) so this time I wanted to do it again with Kai. But last time we didn't have a bunch of kids running around on the piano ^^;;

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I'm the tall one on the left XP and Kai's on the right.  I try my best to pound out Heart & Soul, but good luck trying to hear anything coherent XD;:

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And then the professionals jumped in!!! They were awesome!! I don't know about you guys, but getting paid to watch kids hammer out notes and then play amazing music while looking awesome sounds like a kickass job to me! :D

So then we went walking in Central Park!

The hotel from Home Alone 2!! :D

Beautiful day for ice skating!! We didn't have the time though :(

Besides, we wanted to get to a certain special place...

Yep we found it!! :D

Makino shot ^-^

After that we took the subway down to Chinatown!!! :D  Lulu took us to this really nice little tea shop with super delicious tea and then we went and looked at cheap name brand handbags XD  Holy crap there was this one I seriously wanted, it was all black except for 5 flowers near the top of the bag. THEY WERE THE 5 COLORS!!!!!! Omg I wanted it so bad but I got dragged away by my friends T-T

Well then we walked towards the south tip of Manhattan.

The bull that comes to life in Sorcerer's Apprentice!!! :D


We went to get on the Stanton Island ferry. You're not as close to the Statue of Liberty like on the Ellis Island ferry, but it's free and it runs every half hour :)

These are the clearest shots I could get. The wind outside was too freakin strong so I couldn't hold still -_-

Beautiful skyline~

Then we went to see Ground Zero. We were too late to see the actual memorial site since it was closed but we saw where they're building the big memorial and museum that's opening in September. We just sat awhile in silence but it was nice all the same.

So after that we took the subway back up to Times Square in search of food! I was dead set on eating some New York cheesecake and Kenny wanted his New York pizza. So first we found this awesome little pizza place.  A slice of pizza and a drink for $4.50! That's cheap in New York. Then we went to this other place and found my cheesecake!  It was delicious ^_^  And then when we came out...

It was snowing!!!!! You can't tell very well in the picture but it was!! So pretty!!! :D

They're selling the ball for $19.99?!?!???!?  8O XD  lol it doesn't say 2010 anymore~

So we were all pretty wiped out by this point so we went back to our hotel and crashed. The next morning we basically just got up, drove Kai and Kenny to the airport to catch their flight, then me and Lulu drove back into Manhattan so I could catch my bus. And we all got home safe.


YES!!!! Finally done with this!!! One less thing for me to post about XD;;  Laters! 

*lulu, *kai, fun times, rambling, new york, arashi, friends

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