My glorious and long awaited return!!! (or not...)
May 27, 2012 01:08
*peeks out from underneath rock* Uh...hi?
OMG I'M ACTUALLY POSTING 8O For the first time in like...4 months o.o I've missed you guys. Although I was never really gone in the first all have most likely seen me lurking around. I always lurk XP But I honestly didn't mean to take this long to make a post, it's just that life right now is just starting to settle down for me.
I'm gonna need to make a full blown update list here. Prepare yourselves.
[Could it be...??? :D] 1) I am talking (typing) to you now as a full blown COLLEGE GRADUATE!!!! :'D A lot of the reason I was silent these past months was that I was super busy finishing up everything for my last semester. Physical Oceanography was a constant struggle for me but thankfully I passed with a C so I DO officially have my Bachelor of Science degree \(^-^)/ I also got a B in genetics and an A in the lab :D!! I did my own genetics experiment with my own variable and hypothesis and everything ^-^ and I got an A on the paper so YEA! XD My Asian classes were also fun! I watched a lot of Asian movies for my independent study class so homework for that was quite nice ^^
Still feels so weird knowing I'm not going back to school in the fall...Lulu's moved out and on to bigger better things like grad school in Maine. I'm gonna miss her so much ;~; I had to say goodbye to my friend Shun too since he went back to Japan. Hopefully I get to visit him someday!! At least I get another month with Kai until she's gone many goodbyes TT^TT
[So what now?] 2) So if you're wondering what this new college grad is doing with her life right's work. I'm working 2 jobs at the moment. One is the same lemonade stand gig I had last summer, and I just recently scored another job as a waitress at a Japanese steakhouse! The kind where they cook in front of you and everything :D I've never waitressed before but my sempai there says I'm picking everything up really fast, which is awesome :Db PLUS they feed me a free chicken dinner after every shift!!! It's too good to be true!! :'D
I initially wanted a job of some kind at the local aquarium since uh, that's kinda what I majored in, but I haven't heard back from them at all. Hopefully I can see about maybe volunteering there and getting some experience hours under my belt but idk :/
Working 2 jobs is tiring, but I gotta make money somehow. I'm gonna be paying my own rent starting this August. I'm gonna be living with Fluffy and his roommate Oreo until they graduate next spring, and my student loans are gonna be coming for me too.
[Don't even bother clicking this ] 3) Movies: HUNGER GAAAAAAAAMMMESSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!! AVENGERRRRSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!! 8DDD I'll make a proper post about these sometime soon because I have pictures from both midnight premieres XD
[The best/nerdiest sport ever XD] 4) Quidditch!! Our first real match was this past March! We went to Charleston for a little mini tournament against College of Charleston and Chapin High School. I played as one of the starting Beaters :D We kind of got our asses handed to us by Chapin, but that was literally our first match against another team. We got used to the level of aggression, which was freakin HIGH O.O so we were able to hold our own against Charleston. Towards the end of that game it started thunderstorming like nobody's business, but we kept on playing XD And then our Seeker grabbed the snitch like right in front of us, and since the game was so close we were sure the points from the snitch would put us ahead of Charleston. So since we thought we had won, naturally we all went crazy, tackling each other and running around in the downpour. It seriously felt like the end of one of those sports movies when the underdog team wins. It was the best feeling ever. Later we found out that apparently Charleston had been ahead by 40 points at the time of the snitch grab so we still lost by 10 points, but I call shenanigans. The difference in scores was definitely NOT 40 points. Whatever, we still felt like winners, and we got the damn snitch!!! XP
[Nerdy McNerdison] 5) Random nerdy news: I got both Skyrim and Assassin's Creed: Revelations for my birthday so I've been playing those a bunch XD Plus I've started playing Magic: The Gathering so that's a thing now too. Fluffy got me my first intro deck as a graduation present XD
[Seriously, don't even bother clicking XP] 6) The local convention Xcon happened last weekend and it was AWESOME. Again, proper post to come, since I have lots of pics ^^
[My sister is awesome] 7) MY SISTER GOT INTO THE UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME!!!!!!!!!!! :D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's been her dream to go there her whole life since our dad went there. It's a really hard school to get into and she was heartbroken last year when she didn't make the cut, but now she's gonna transfer from James Madison University and start at Notre Dame in the fall!! I'm already planning to go up and visit to see a home football game. Proud older sister is proud ^_^
[Hey there IS Arashi in this post! ] 8) Various scattered thoughts on Arashi: A list within a list! LISTCEPTION!!! XP lol this is just a summary of my thoughts on the various things Arashi has done over the past few months that I have not thoroughly shared my opinion on. - Wild at Heart (LONG time ago I know XP) - LOVE this PV!!! So much sparkly goodness and love!!!! And everyone's so pretty in it~! XD The song is super catchy too! Love it!! - Lucky Seven - I seriously loved this drama. Not just for all the incredibly hot Jun action scenes *____________* but also for all the different character interactions. I especially loved Eita's character, and I actually found myself shipping Shuntaro and Asuka XD - Face Down - HOLY FUCK THIS SONG. THIS PV. THE CHAIRS AND THE BLACK AND THE SAKURAP AND UNF!!!! To me this PV just screams SEX 8D Love it!!! A particular part I really liked was during the Sakurap. When Sho sings that first line "Makkura na sora..." you can see his eyes at the "Ma" part, but as soon as he says "kura" he shades them so you can't see them at all. I just thought that was really artistic and good on both Sho and the editor. Btw THE DANCE. THE FLOORWORK. 8DDD I love floorwork in general and this is just...UNF!!!! XD - Your Eyes - The PV looks nice, all black and white and artsy XP Jun's clothes don't really fit in with everyone else's but I can overlook that because he's all pretty ^-^ I like the song too. It kinda reminds me of Ashita no Kioku. Although whenever I hear the title by itself I always picture John Cusack holding up that boombox XP - KagiHeya - Admittedly I haven't watched much of this drama yet ^^; But from what I have seen, I like it. Erika Toda is...Erika Toda -_- I've never really liked her...I think it's because I first saw her as the crazy psychobitch in HanaDan...But I like Ohno's character! That makes it better I guess. And the cases are pretty unique too. - MikeHolmes - I like how this drama is so lighthearted in comparison to KagiHeya. I find myself constantly face-palming at Aiba's character XP and his interactions with Matsuko DX are pretty hilarious. Actually his interactions with the cat in general are hilarious XD That cat is adorable!!! - Jun's new hair - LOVE!!!! I really love Jun with short hair. Not that I like his longer hair less, it's just a refreshing change. The new color just adds to the beautiful-ness, and the fact that it's so Korean styled is a plus XDD - Nino's new hair - Heh...this...I came home to this one night to see it plastered all over LJ and my reaction was just...ಠ_ಠ That boy will do anything for a role. - Beautiful World DVD - I just watch the whole thing last night and it is wonderful~! ^^ I don't think it's the most "eventful" con I've ever seen, but it's great all the same. GOOD GOD JUN'S HIPS *__________________* I've rewatched his solo so many times and I STILL squeal uncontrollably XDD Ohno's solo too!!! That man can MOVE!!! I also really liked Nino's solo. He nailed it imo. Also Sho's hips. They're a thing XDD I shall be watching the whole thing again soon!! :D
OKAY. I think I got everything XD You'll be hearing again from me soon, I promise!! (Btw any preference on what I post about first? XD)