The encapsulated version

Nov 11, 2007 15:56

What a fucking weekend. Here's the short version:

Thursday night (because we know the weekend starts about then): $8 to suffer through two really, really, REALLY mediocre-to-the-point-that-I-wanted-to-hang-myself screamo-melodic-emo-utter-shit bands at Next (aka the nexus of all that sucks donkey penis), then an amazing set from Strung Out.

Friday day: work, food, more work, more food. Then... Finally selling my spare ticket to Bad Religion (hey, I'm people who know people!), then the following: MYC = good set, not-so-great sound. Pity about it apparently being their last Melbourne show. Strung Out = marginally better sound, great band when playing their songs properly, but utterly boring when they strated doing the Green Day stadium rock band thing of drawing out the middle of a song to give us the "So how are you motherfuckers doin tonight?" thing. Bad Religion = 90 minutes of sheer mind-blowing-and-face-shredding amazingness. Catchups with so so so many awesome dudes and dudettes I haven't seen in a while made it all the sweeter. Then hangouts at The Arthouse, catchups with the PTE dudes, Dwayne, Dave Arty and assorted other awesome humans.

Saturday: sleep-ins interrupted by the landlord mowing the lawns. Wasn't impressed. Vegetating, then off to the all-ages show @ Batman Park Hall. Sweet venue except for the sauna-like part. Sweet show, sweet bands, sweet hangouts, followed by super-sweet hangouts at Trippy Taco. Amazing. Then quick stop home for shower and change and other things to help me resemble a human, then off for hangouts with Jimmy, Trav and Trent from work. Entertaining and laid back, then off to the Lounge to await Coxy and Vanessa, and whoever else would show up. After about 3 hours of this, quickly excusing myself to go to The Workshop (way cool joint!) for Raddy's birthday gathering, and catchups with Jay Kill, Micka, Summer, Nicole (whose name I didn't remember... again... I suck so bad) and Christina. Then back to the Lounge to rescue the guys, off to a pub somewhere near Chinatown, hangouts there singing along to 80s rock, then finally off to LOTF to hang out with Raddy, Christina, and two lovely people whose names escape me (typical) to eat fries and pay out on just about everyone around us. Then home to watch Planet Terror (again... fuckin awesome!).

Sunday: sleep-ins (uninterrupted this time), rad vegie-quiche breakfast, the realisation that I REALLY need a vacuum cleaner, watching Family Guy Season 6 for about 2 hours, realising I'd piked on Steph's squat-cleanup day, an unexpected and rather weird invitation from crush-girl, and now vegging on myspace with Pig Destroyer and 4 Dead on the discman. Pretty rad, all told.

That's all I've got, what about all of you?
Marta, where are you hiding?
Leigh, sms me about coffee. I lost your number again. Yes, again.
Everyone come to Next on Thursday to see Pentridge, because they're awesome.
That's all.
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