Jul 26, 2006 13:49
hehehe, lets see... how should i put this?
i beat chaos island, got the bonus level n whiped is ass!!! and i did all of it on medium!!!! NOT EASY!!! be proud! i chalanged myself greatly!!! now to play the whole game over again on hard... ill die about 4574864156375318634368745613675634384136481465456451799863154326214891745231.369854756921 times. so ill be at this for a while, to take my mind off the world.. hey, perhpas i should just play jurassic park on genesis.. as i have it.. ok ill do that instead and die 5 times more then 4574864156375318634368745613675634384136481465456451799863154326214891745231.369854756921 +48545648941657831468.123485987
ok buh bye now
ps.. AMY LOVES HER HOMIES!!!!(u kno who u r u heterosexula life mates u..)