Jun 28, 2005 01:50
Okay, so I've finally figured out what I hate more than ANYTHING in the world. People who stand other people up. Okay so check this shit out, if you make plans and say you are going to do something with somebody, then fucking do it. Don't be all like "Hey let's hang out tomorrow! Great IDEA! I'll call! Or you can call me!" and then when you call be like "Well Im out doing this, when Im done Ill give you a call." *4 hours later* oh shit no call. EITHER MAKE PLANS TO DO SHIT WITH THEM OR DONT! What the fuck. It's easy to say "Ive got other plans, Im tired, blah blah" but dont say shit that makes it sound like you'll do something with them. That pisses me off to no extent. Geezus H. Christ in a handbasket. I'm so pissed off right now. I guess Thrice is right. True friends stab you in the front. If you'll excuse me I have some scream singing to do at 2 o clock in the morning.
Fuck off.
fuck you