Jul 26, 2005 09:02
this paint has been tasting of lead and the chips will fall as they may, but it is not just my finish thats peeling and it is not alone fleeing these walls. well sooner or later this cold its gonna break and our hands will be warm again! but all i want is not 2 need u now!and sooner or later this code is gonna break and our words will be heard again, but all i want is vows of silence now. this turpentine chasers got kick and the rag that its soaked in is rich. the funes aide the pace of cleaning and as in done i m gone. the frightening facts we've been facing our backs to so long now are begging for eyes to bear witness to lies, indifference. now we're saying aloud the things we've aloud the things we've decleared in our silence. the newcoats of paint will not reacquaint broken homes!