Dec 29, 2003 17:11

Well woke up at like 3oclocko cause I went 2 sleep at like 3am it was crazy I sall freaky friday and santa clause 2 and something else but I can't remember. Well today in its like 5 15 and I sall 28 days later man that movie was the shizzle! Dude I kept jumping like crazy cause of the loud ass noises and the freaky ass crazy "INFECTED" people were going berserko! I swear the camera through their eyes was like zzzoooommmm!!!!!!!! Shit they came out of nowhere I was scared as hell!!!!! man I swear that movie was scarier than the ring but it was funny how the stupid lady in the beggining let out the monkey and it totally kicked her ass and infected her! She was like coughing out blood like crazy it was funny! I think the craziezt part waz when the main character guy went berserko and put his fingers in that horny sargent's eyes that shit was friggin hilarryis!! Oh man dude like Whoa dude I went outside 2day in da mornin and the snow is freaken huge the front lawn is like loaded w/ snow that shit it's craZy! I wanna jump inside it and sink but it's cold and I don't know if I will b able 2 get out so fast so yea I think I will just try it for fun.:) Well no1 my age in Utah so I just do chores and eat food and watch dvds my dad has like a friggin MILLION!!!!!!! no not really but he does have 215 I counted them and he got like 4 more big ass boxes filled w/ dvds so god damn!!!!!!!!!!! well I'm gonna go kick back and do somethin else cause this journal thing is way 2 addictive! so yea later
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