howdy ho.

Dec 25, 2003 22:57

hi and hello!
wow, today is christmas, imagine that! wow, my nose is running, ID BETTER GO CATCH IT. I got the coolest video camera for x-mas. it rocks. i went downtown to interview the homeless guy but we couldn't find him. (we being me and allie). so yea, then we went to my aunts house in b-town, (we NOW being me and my family) and we ate dinner and CRAP. it sucked. and i hung out with jamell, my black ex-brother, current WICKED AWESOME friend. god, i love him. tomorrow is a big day full of returns and hot topic b-i-otch! my brothers got a game cube, as if the x-box, play station (one AND two) n64, and a dream cast weren't enough. IS THERE NO MERCY? i think not. i keep coughing up my lungs. ryan just called to say MERRY CHRISTMAS. oh, thats so sweet (*insert gagging noises here*) no, really. he rocks. ok so i feel like crap. leave it to me to be healthy all fucking year and get sick new years eve. so yea, about this here new years eve party. CHRIS PARKER ( i made that big because i know he only skims his friends section and hopefully that will catch his attention) how is this going to work???! ok. i got a bunch of other crap too, its good. I GOT A NEW DESK. which i desperately needed because we blew my other one up in the middle of hill st at one the other night. (i hope my dad doesn't look for the gasoline anytime soon) it was the best. tomorow, we are going in the graveyard at night with the video camera to search for ghosts! then we're driving to emily's bridge, and when i say we, i mean IM DRIVING! yes!. ok. my throat hurts now too and i cant breath out of my nose. i got the BUSHISMs calender today, its awesome, hes such an idiot. me and my dad were having a conversation about how the u.s could take over switzerland if it wanted to. which i thought to be absurd because what is the point of taking over a neutral country?!! i am switzerland. why dont we take over some crap place like canada, or latvia. if the name of your country is so close to the word LABIA, i think its time for your country to explode. ok, well i got this little tea maker in my room thatp plugs in and because i am so obsessed with tea these days, im going to go use it.
i got a new screen name too, if i like you, i'll tell you what it is.
later days, and only once a year.
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