Name: Amanda
Age: 14
F/M?: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
5 Bands:
Taking Back Sunday...x
Hawthorne Heights...x
Fall out Boy...x
Dir en Grey...x
5 Movies:
The Ring
Hedwig and the Angry Inch
Sleeping Beauty
The Notebook
Lyrics that best describe you:
Starving, searching this barren wasteland.
Trying to grasp being this alone.
Pleading for a breath of fresh air,
Someone's standing on my chest
Dying; I'm asphyxiating myself.
Break myself, slave to my weakness
Choke on my words.
Oh I'm drowning and I feel so alone.
Break myself, slave to my weakness
Choke on my words.
The lights are on and I wish I was home.
Break myself, slave to my weakness
Choke on my words.
Oh I'm drowning I feel so alone.
Break myself, slave to my weakness
Choke on my words.
The lights are on and I wish I was home.
My lips are screaming pretty nothings.
My ears are bleeding for want of words,
Fuck words. I need actions.
Hope has left me fucking shattered.
Someone's standing on my chest.
Alone would be a pleasant change from here.
How do you gauge loneliness?
How do you gauge loneliness?
How do you gauge loneliness?
Have you ever felt so alone?
It feels like the light will never reach me here.
I'm choking back my longing for shed tears.
So strangulated by my lonesome fears.
Please don't worry too much,
It only hurts when I breathe.
Color(s): Black and Pink
Band: Atreyu
Peice of clothing: Black Jeans
Food: French Fries
Movie: Hedwig and the Angry Inch
Song: (i have 3 favorites ^.^) Atreyu - Lip Gloss and Black, Dir en Grey - Obscure, hawthorne heights - ohio is for lovers
*Your Views*::Try to be specific and clear dont just say oh bush is gay.. blah blah be serious.
Gay Marriage: People should be allowed to marry whoever they'd like. There shouldn't be a rule against same sex marriage's, its just so stupid. Myself, being a bisexual, I may want to marry someone of the same sex one day, and lets just say that it came to that point, and I wasn't allowed to wed, I wouldn't be to happy.
President Bush: I don't like the president. He hasn't made too many good choices for our country. In general, I think he's just a fucking fuck up. He has tried and tried to make American a "better" place, when really all he's doing is making it worse. And the shit with the war, its stupid. I say Bring the Troops home god damn it.
Abstinence(no sex before marriage): It depends on who you are. If you feel like you want to wait until you get married, until you find TRUE love, then yes I guess you can wait. But in my case, I'm most likely going to do it before I get married. I don't want to sound like a xwhore but its the truth.
Why should we accept you?: I think you should accept me because I listen to good music and I took time to fill in this application cuz that's how much I xlovex you guys (no...seriously, I do)
What do you think of our community?: I think its a pretty awesomecore community. I like it. alot.
Where did you hear of us: I was looking on my friends site and saw your community there and I was like "HEY! EMO!!!!!11one"
What do you think of the lovely mods?: *-*-*_* amazing *_*-*-*
Pie?: sure. thanks.
Say something random: dudecore.
Have you had your fiber today?: Duh.
Promote us?: Surely."
Anything else you must tell us thats intirely random?: i have this barbie doll leg taped to my wall.
*Pictures* If you only have one, thats fine but no more than 3 please make sure we can see your prettyful faces =)
****aww you cuz said i had a prettyful face, how nicexcore****
thats me ^.^