Sock Monkey on Viagra!

Jan 20, 2009 17:24

Okay, now that I have your attention.

Before my mother and I went to see my niece on New Year's, my mom made Laya a sock monkey. It' kind of a family tradition. Anyway, I was joking around with it and did something that was extremely hilarious if not inappropriate with the tail. My mother threatened to make me a sock monkey with anatomically correct bits.

Anyway, Laya loved her sock monkey

Well, I had forgotten about getting a sock monkey until yesterday when mom gave me one...without man parts. It was cute, I thanked her a sat it on my bed. Well, later that night I hear this cackling laugh from the sewing room. Low and behold

Needless to say the monkey is now boner free. But it is still nameless. Suggestions?
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